Dispatched: Filter Shopify orders by tags ✨

Robin Bilgil

One of the things our customers love about using Packfleet is our easy integration with Shopify, that makes importing orders just a couple of clicks.

We want to keep making this integration better and better, so have just released the ability to filter Shopify orders based on tags.

Filtering is as easy as this!

Some of our merchants use Shopify tags to organise everything — whether that's making sure they know which courier each parcel will go with or organising their packing by the type of product, Shopify tags give them lots of flexibility. And now, with tag integration in Packfleet, they can instantly filter all of your Shopify orders by tag and import only the ones with specific tags. And best of all: we save the last used tags, so that if they always want to filter with the same one (like Packfleet!), they never have to enter the tag again.

If you're a merchant looking to make your Shopify integration even better, let us know what would make your lives easier and we'll do the best we can to make it happen ✨